Youth leaders from 11 political parties contesting in the August 23 harmonised elections, have all pledged to uphold the peace and tranquillity currently prevailing in the country.
Consequently, the youth leaders yesterday signed peace pledges and promised to uphold the peace and harmony currently being enjoyed in the country.
This comes after the Second Republic’s continuous reiteration for peace and harmony to prevail before, during and after the polls while also stressing intolerance to violence.
In an interview after signing the pledge, Zanu PF Youth League Deputy Political Commissar, Cde Taurai Kandishaya said peace was a crucial aspect in nation building. He said only peace during the electoral period would ensure the country remained on its current growth trajectory.
“As Zanu PF, signing such pledges which promote peace is important for us because as the ruling Government, we want to promote peace. The work which the Second Republic is doing is because there is peace and if there is no peace, all these works being spearheaded cannot be possible.
“The country’s prosperity is hinged upon peace and as Zanu PF it is there in our motto ‘Unity, Peace and Development’.
“We are also very happy that those from the opposition have joined us in signing this pledge so that shows we are all promoting peace,” he said.
The MDC’s Albert Chidhakwa said it was important for all political players to preach peace to their rank and file. “Peace should be seen by action and not just signing a paper. Let us go out and practise what we have signed in this room.
“Let us go and tell our respective members that violence does not pay, we must not be seen preaching peace by day and practicing violence by night,” he said.
FreeZim’s Anna Gochera said political players should foster peace to safeguard the country’s integrity.
“We must be peace makers and we must make sure that even after the elections, we continue bringing peace to our communities because after the elections, Zimbabwe will remain, but elections will be done.
“Let us make sure that we bring peace to our country because it is ours and the future generation,” she said.
CCC’s Womberaishe Nhende said there was need to uphold peace as a greater Zimbabwe could only continue to be built on foundations of peace.
“Young people should not be used in perpetrating political violence. Young people are not leaders of tomorrow, we are leaders of today so you must lead peacefully and lead for a greater Zimbabwe.
“We commit and we are here,” he said.
The NCA’s Desire Muza said as youth leaders, they would continue preaching peace.
“We will continue to spread the message of peace,” he said.
UZA’s Elvis Jere implored the youths to be ambassadors of peace throughout the electoral period and beyond.
“Let’s stand united in peace and go and vote in peace. It is important that we uphold the pledge that we have signed as a party,” he said.
The NPC’s Cuthbert Chisango said as a party, they would accept the eventual winner whether it was in the party’s favour or not, saying the upholding of peace was important.
“We have signed this pact and we are going to ensure we uphold our end of the bargain.
“Even after the elections, we are going to welcome the result whether it is in our favour or not as that will take the nation forward,” he said.