Zimbabwe is moving onwards achieving Vision 2030 which entails the country becoming an upper middle income society. The Herald will be serialising the Vision 2030 document every Thursday for the benefit of our readers.
Continued from last week
50. Under Vision 2030, the ZIMASSET clusters will be replaced by five strategic pillars.
51. The key aspirations of Zimbabwe Vision 2030 will be realised through five strategic pillars, namely:
• Governance;
• Macro-economic Stability and Financial Re-engagement;
• Inclusive Growth;
• Infrastructure and Utilities; and
• Social Development.
52. The Pillar approach enhances coordination and implementation of programmes and projects, central to the realisation of targeted results that address the country’s socio-economic challenges.
53. Vision 2030 also provides for the mainstreaming of Cross Cutting Themes, namely:
• Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development;
• Youth Development;
• Gender Equality and Women Empowerment; as well as,
• Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture.
54.This allows for broader participation and inclusivity in charting forward the National Development Agenda.
55. Good governance is the bed-rock for a new democratic and developmental Zimbabwe, based on:
• Rule of law, human rights and freedoms;
• Transparency and Accountability;
• Equity, Inclusivity and Responsiveness; and
• Full Participation of the People in socio-economic development.
56. The Vision 2030 values are enshrined in the Constitution, and the new Dispensation commits to live by them, never overstepping its mandate.
Political Governance & Democratisation
57. Zimbabwe will uphold democratic principles as defined by the Constitution, with conduct of free, fair, credible and violence free elections, as they fall due.
58. During the Vision period, Government will establish strong and independent institutions for a well governed Republic of Zimbabwe, with clearly defined and separation of powers among various arms of the State.
59. Institutions and public service systems that help early detection of corrupt activities will be strengthened in support of closing opportunities and loopholes that facilitate the breeding and spread of the scourge of corruption. This is inclusive of curbing illicit financial flows and smuggling of precious minerals.
60. Accountability institutions and independent commissions that require to be strengthened and capacitated to improve accountability, transparency, impartial enforcement of the law and upholding of property as well as human rights include:
• Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission;
• Zimbabwe Electoral Commission;
• Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission;
• Zimbabwe Gender Commission;
• Zimbabwe Media Commission;
• National Peace and Reconciliation Commission;
• Auditor General; and
• Accountant General;
• Corporate Governance Unit
61. Findings and recommendations of the Auditor General will be followed through and enforced to strengthen public institutions’ internal control systems.
62. Enforcement of good corporate governance will be both in the public sectors, as well as the private sectors.
Servant Leadership
63. The political leadership is, under Vision 2030, a Servant of the public that it serves, and undertakes to listen, embrace, and engage citizens in an interactive manner.
64. An “Open Door Policy” has already been adopted, taking advantage of communication channels with the public, now able to interact with the President through various social media platforms.
65. The spirit of working with all stakeholders, inclusive of Opposition Political

Parties, Churches, Youths, Women Groups, Professional Associations, Students, Traditional Leaders, Academia, the Business Fraternity, among others, allows for cross-pollination of views and building of Trust, Tolerance and Common Understanding that informs public policy interventions.
Respect for Human Rights
66. Vision 2030 commits Government to uphold the Rule of Law, Promote Peace,
Harmony, Safety, Security and Stability for the citizenry.
67. The law enforcement agencies will focus on their Constitutional mandates, benefiting from far reaching reforms implemented across law enforcement services with a view to instilling professionalism and eliminating corruption.
68. Similarly, the capacity of Independent Judiciary and Competent Courts is being enhanced to deal with any injustices and violations of the Law.
69. In support of this thrust, Government will continue to work with Civil Society and
International Organisations, and also maintain open channels for dialogue with Opposition Parties to ensure that Human Rights concerns are adequately and timeously addressed.
National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation
70. National cohesion is a necessary condition for a peaceful and developing new
71. This entails moving away from the past omissions and commissions to build a new future.
72. Vision 2030 preaches peaceful co-existence of various segments of the society, including people of diverse political views.
73. The National Peace and Reconciliation Act to promote unity in the country and healing wounds of the past is now in place, that way fostering peace, reconciliation and harmony.
74. The respective Commission has been established, and Government is resourcing it for effective discharge of its mandate.
Tolerance, Freedom of Speech and Association
75. In moving away from the past, Vision 2030 pronounces commitment to the promotion of Tolerance and Freedom of Speech and Association, and extension of mutual cooperation among different political parties, that way setting the necessary tone for tolerance and co-existence among people of diverse opinion.
76. Furthermore, Government is amending other contentious laws such as the Public
Order and Security Act (POSA), the Citizens Act, Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), as part of aligning the laws to the Constitution.
Devolution and Decentralisation
77. Reconstructing the State represents the marking of the Second Republic of Zimbabwe where systems of governance are community based and people centred.
78. This represents a new Governance Dispensation where decentralisation becomes a key feature and strategy for fair and just governance.
79. Fulfilment of decentralisation is across its four dimensions, namely administrative, political, fiscal and market.
80. The Provincial, Metropolitan and Local Government structures are already in place, such that what remains would be devolving powers to them and fiscalising that decentralisation, of course consistent with the capacity which is in place.
81. The founding provisions of the Constitution enshrine and provide for giving powers of local governance to the people, enhancing their participation in making decisions on issues that affect them, and in the exercise of the powers of the State.
82. Pursuant to this, Vision 2030 envisages devolution and decentralisation of Governmental powers and functions to communities in furtherance of their development, and in the management of their own affairs, through transfer of some Governmental authority and responsibilities to Provincial and Metropolitan Councils and Local Authorities.
83. In this regard, decision making and authority in the provision of most basic services will be delegated and decentralised to Provincial and District levels.
84. This will bring Government closer to communities, and making it more accessible, that way enhancing responsive, accountable and participatory governance over local development agendas.
85. Currently, centralised essential services which are said to be only readily obtainable in major urban centres include:
• Registration and issuance of Birth Certificates;
• Death registration;
• Passports;
• Liquor licences;
• Trading licences; and
• Mining claims registrations.
Regional Investment & Development Master Plans
86. Decentralisation must be founded on Regional Investment and Development Plans derived from a broad National Investment and Development Master Plan.
87. This will entail strengthening Government’s planning capacity through Treasury or a National Economic Planning Commission.
88. Regional Investment and Development Master Plans should be produced and adopted by Provincial Councils and speak to the National Investment and Development Master Plan authored by Central Government through the proposed Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency.
89. The Regional Investment and Development Master Plans must be a spatial and environmental plan which is based on:
• the Resource Endowment of a given Region;
• a generic Environmental Impact Assessment Plan;
• a comprehensive Supportive Utilities Plan, which includes power, fuel depots, road and rail network, water sources, telecommunications and all social and recreational amenities;
• an Investment Opportunities And Beneficiation Plan, commensurate with a Region’s resource endowment or competitive advantage; and
• a Local Empowerment and Participation Plan, to ensure that locals are incorporated.
90. Fiscally, Government would have to redraw its National Budget approach towards a spatially decentralised infrastructural utilities budgetary support, in order to underpin Regional Investment and Development Master Plans.
91. What this does is make every Province attractive for both local and foreign investment by ensuring Ease of Doing Business and also lowering the costs of establishing business.
92. Market wise, each Province will transform itself into an investment and economic zone, with its own GDP, and with the capacity to venture overseas in its own right for foreign direct investment.
93. Hence, in line with Section 264 of the Constitution on devolution, Central Government will devolve more powers to Provincial Councils that will craft Provincial Economic Development Plans underpinned by resource endowments in the Province.
94. Provincial Economic Development Plans will be characterised by extensive bottom–up consultations at the village/ward, district and provincial levels. The consultations should include the private sector and development partners who are key in resource mobilisation and deployment in the planning process.
95. It is envisaged that ZIMSTAT will come up with GDP figures disaggregated by Province.
Compensation of Former Farm Owners
96. Government is also evaluating obligations to former farmers, affected by the land reform programme, with a view to finalising their compensation.
97. Hence, the new Dispensation has taken the decision to finalise compensation to all former farmers affected by the Land Reform Programme, in accordance with the country’s Constitution and Zimbabwe’s obligations under bilateral agreements.
98. Cognisant of the reality that a large number of farmers are still to be compensated, given the limited annual budget capacity, Vision 2030 envisages engagement of bilateral partners over assistance to mobilise the requisite resources in order to finalise the compensation process.
Unlawful Settlements
99. Security of land tenure is a pre-requisite for enhanced investment on farms and agricultural production.
100. Accordingly, Government will be enforcing discipline on farms. This includes respect for 99-Year Leases, A1 Permits and planned Communal grazing land as legal Government documents.
101. Stern measures will be instituted against illegal settlements and, already there is a programme to address issues of illegal settlements and those with multiple farms.
102. Vision 2030 commits to ensuring equal access to land for all Zimbabweans regardless of background or colour, opening access of 99 Year Leases and A1 Permits to all interested citizens.
103. The Zimbabwe Land Commission has also been set up to deal with various land disputes.
Bilateral Investment Protection
104. Vision 2030 reiterates Zimbabwe’s commitment to honouring its obligations under various Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements.
105. This is to guarantee that all foreign investments, notwithstanding origin, are safe.
106. In this regard, Zimbabwe accedes to:
• Promotion and protection of investments;
• Fair and equitable treatment;
• Treatment no less favourable than that which it accords its nationals’ investments;
• Most favoured nation treatment;
• Transparency;
• Compensation for damage or loss;
• Protection against expropriation;
• Dispute settlement.
107. In line with Vision 2030, Government is engaging investors who lost out on their investments, with a view to reaching amicable settlements where violations were made with regards to land under Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements.
Institutional Role Clarity
108. Government will institute role clarity in public administration and economic management with respect to the functions of the various arms of the State, i.e., within Central Government, across Local Government and quasi Government institutions.
109. These include the Office of the President and Cabinet, Ministries, Treasury, the Central Bank, Local Authorities and State Owned Enterprises, ZINARA and Road Authorities, ZINWA, among others.
To be continued. . .