Month: March 2024


New miller to break monopoly: President

Herald Reporter THE entrance of more milling companies into the market will break the monopoly that some foreign firms have been abusing, and help curb wanton price increases of mealie meal, President Mnangagwa has said. This comes as indigenous investors continue to show confidence in the Second Republic, embracing the call to value-add products for […]

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Govt taking action against price increases

THE Government is implementing a raft of measures to steady prices, arrest speculative activities and stabilise the exchange rate, President Mnangagwa has said. Addressing the 375th session of the Politburo yesterday, President Mnangagwa, who is also Zanu PF’s First Secretary, said Government would ensure the country has a conducive business environment which is critical for […]

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All church gatherings to obtain clearance this Easter

Herald Reporter This Easter all gatherings including large church gatherings must obtain prior health clearance to ensure the diminishing threat of cholera does not suddenly explode, must be supervised by health authorities, and there must be adequate clean water and sanitation measures in place before approval is granted. Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr […]

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Minister warns reckless drivers

Thandeka Moyo-Ndlovu,  TRANSPORT and Infrastructural Development Minister Felix Mhona has urged motorists to adhere to traffic rules and regulations to help preserve lives during the Easter holiday which starts tomorrow. Traffic accidents are costing Zimbabwe US$406 million annually. Easter is one of the most significant events on the Christian calendar during which many churches hold […]

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Zimbabwe makes headway towards joining Brics bank

Herald Reporter Zimbabwe’s bid for admission into the BRICS New Development Bank has been given a huge boost following the recent pledge of support by Russia, South Africa, and now Brazil. Currently, indications are pointing at Zimbabwe, together with Argentina and Saudi Arabia, being officially announced as new members of the NDB at the BRICS […]

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St. Giles Medical Rehabilitation Centre hosted a momentous event, the Cerebral Palsy Awareness Marathon, on Sunday, March 17, 2024. With the primary goal of raising awareness about Cerebral Palsy, the marathon also aimed to educate individuals on caregiving for children living with this condition. Cerebral Palsy affects a significant portion of the children under the […]

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“Empowering Zimbabwean Youth: Fish Farming Workshop Paves the Path to Economic Development”

Staff Reporter Aldridge It is a significant stride towards youth empowerment in Zimbabwe as the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, in collaboration with Nigerian-based organization Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation Project (Enable TAAT,) hosted a fish farming workshop. The event, aimed at nurturing a generation of agri-entrepreneurs, emphasized treating agriculture as a […]

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Ruto to open ZITF…Cabinet releases dates for 2024 Trade Fair

Nqobile Tshili,  KENYAN President Dr William Ruto will officially open the 64th edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair next month with 25 international exhibitors from 21 countries confirming their participation in the country’s biggest trade showcase. This year’s ZITF, under the theme: “Innovation: The Catalyst for Industrialisation and Trade,” will run from April 23-27 […]

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Government avails US$15m bailout for Bulawayo water

Peter Matika, GOVERNMENT has availed US$15 million to the Bulawayo City Council to support emergency interventions to address the water supply challenges and avert any potential hazards. The city has already started drawing 15 megalitres of water from the rehabilitated boreholes at the Nyamandlovu Aquifer, a huge boost to supplies as major dams have received […]

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Government to monitor Easter gatherings to curb spread of cholera

Thandeka Moyo-Ndlovu, THE Ministry of Health and Child Care will monitor and supervise gatherings to be held during this Easter holiday to avert the spread of cholera in the country. Zimbabwe’s cumulative suspected cholera cases are 29 144 and the Ministry continues to conduct integrated training in case management, surveillance, infection prevention and control, […]

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