Hre-Chirundu road works create 1 500 jobs

AT least 1 500 youths from Mashonaland West will be employed during the 18-month upgrade of the Harare-Chirundu Highway whose scope involves the widening of the usual 7m to 12m and dualisation of some sections of the 352-kilometre trunk road.

All five contractors, who had an engagement meeting with Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Marian Chombo at her office in Chinhoyi yesterday, expressed commitment to work with local people, particularly young men and women living near their 67km stretches.

Tensor Systems, Bitumen World, Masimba, Fossil and Exodus and Company were awarded the tender by the Government after successfully working on the Harare-Mavingo-Beitbridge Highway upgrade.

Bitumen World’s site agent, Mr Bigboy Sibindi, whose company will cover the 67km stretch up to the Chirundu border, said contractors needed to employ local labour force as it would not only create employment, but reduce costs.

Hiring local people reduced accommodation and transport costs since the people lived near the work and could walk to work.

“The labour that we require we normally want to harvest it from the walking distance from the project and that the thrust we should have as contractors. As Bitumen, we are going to employ at least 300 unskilled labourers at full peak,” he said.

Exodus and Company’s construction engineer, Mr Elton Saruchera also confirmed that the company was going to employ between 200 to 300 at the peak of the project.

The contractor’s stretch is between that of Masimba and Bitumen World covering from Karoi town to Dhinzi area.

In terms of progress, the contractor has already cleared a detour of 6km with the drainage system and dumping of 5km gravel having been done.

Tensor Systems site agent, Mr Panashe Chikomwe who briefed the Minister on the progress report said the company was also willing to work with semi-skilled and skilled workforce from within the vicinity of their operations.

“We are even ready to work with skilled personnel including builders and drivers which means that there is room for much employment creation beyond the 300 unskilled workers,” he said.

Fossil’s quality surveyor, Mr Adiel Musumi said the company had put all the logistics in place to start the rehabilitation from Harare’s main post office to Mapinga with a call for those interested in joining the company to apply.

Masimba Contractors, which has opened and cleared 5km of detour and dumping of the base layer, has also invited interested skilled and unskilled persons to register their interests.

Speaking to the representatives, Minister Chombo challenged the contractors to employ the locals in line with President Mnangagwa’s mantra of leaving no place or person behind.

“As a province, everybody is clamouring to be part of the project and we have seen it fit that our children are not left behind. Our traditional leaders, councillors and Members of Parliament are going to help in writing the names of those who are interested in working for the companies for handy jobs.

“These will submit the names to the provincial local government director who will then coordinate with the companies.

“This is being done to ensure that the rightful persons benefit from the project,” she said.

The Minister also called on the contractors to patch the potholes and address rough edges that exist on the entire stretch for the comfortable movement of people.

Provincial roads engineer, Simbarashe Gomo who expressed excitement with the current works on the ground, said environmental considerations will be taken into account to minimise the project’s impact on the surrounding ecosystem.

Government is working to ensure that the upgrade of the Harare-Chirundu Highway runs concurrently with the rehabilitation of the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Highway whose ground-breaking ceremony is scheduled for this month.


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