Many people are losing their hard-earned money in their quest to own a home or start a business venture.
Many times people lose huge sums to land barons.
Ignorance contributes to these losses as people buy residential and business stands as well as farms from imposters who do not own the land.
Positive Eye News is going to unpack the importance of the agricultural show in terms of development and investments.
The agricultural show brings Rural District councils (RDC) under one roof for easy access to information which will be disseminated by this publication for your benefit and understanding.
No one is authorised to sell land except through the RDC. Most land in the rural areas is being sold by the Headman and Village Heads without Council knowledge. These Headman and Village Heads have become land barons in the process fleecing the public of their hard-earned monies.
This publication has information regarding some Headman who advise their buyers not to mention that they bought land to the Chief in order for their safety from eviction.
If the council comes it will be upon the buyer if he survives the eviction and sometimes charges penalty fees which will be equal to starting afresh.
In some cases, some abuse the party, ZANU PF to further their interests of illegally selling land.
This publication will be talking to RDC so that the nation is well informed to avoid losses.
Positive Eye News