No more bullying of nations: G77

Group of 77 plus China, commonly known as G77 members, has called for united efforts in the face of multi-faceted global threats, particularly neo-liberalism, conflicts, climate change and global pandemics.

The leaders of the group expressed dissatisfaction at the relations between the Western world and other regions. The current unfair economic order includes the use of sanctions as a weapon to weaken developing countries.

Some G77 members have appeared to have succumbed to pressure from the US and its allies hence the call yesterday to boost South-South cooperation in the areas of trade and investment, sustainable development, climate change, poverty eradication and the digital economy.

The third South Summit of the group of 77 plus China (G77), is being held in Uganda under the theme: “Leaving no one  behind”.

In line with the principle of geographical rotation, this Summit is convening in Africa after the second South Summit convened in Doha, Qatar, in 2005. The first South to South Summit took place in Havana, Cuba, in 2000.

Deputy Chief Secretary in the President’s Office and Cabinet Mr George Charamba said this was another meeting where the issue of inclusiveness and equality among the nations is key.

“The summit comes at a time when the world is at the cusp of drastic geopolitical reconfigurations and geoeconomic and technological transformations. It comes as developing countries are calling for inclusiveness and equity in a reformed multilateralism.

“The developed and developing countries are often at loggerheads concerning issues, including redefining the functionalities of key international institutions, cross-border trade, economic sanctions, climate financing and regional conflicts.

“The perils of global governance have intensified in recent years, particularly with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the emerging debt crisis, de-escalating global growth rates and the conflict in Ukraine, which resulted in increased mistrust between the global South and the global North,” said Mr Charamba.

The G77 was established on June 15, 1964, by 77 evolving nations.

They were the initial signatories of the “Joint Declaration of the 77 Countries”.

Since then the group has grown to 134 members making G77 the second biggest international organisation in the world after the United Nations itself. China is not a full member of the group but has supported the group since 1994.

The G77 has since emerged as the most important forum for developing countries to harmonise their views on global economic issues and advance new ideas and strategies for negotiations with developed countries.

Having been institutionalised in UNCTAD and later endorsed by the UN General Assembly, it then spread out to most other UN bodies and organisations. This has helped these bodies and organisations to conclude the far reaching agreements over the last 60 years on norms principles, rules and frameworks, including formal treaties.

The G77 is thus inextricably linked with the core of international public good that has been developed over the last half century.

The main aims if G77 are to promote the economic interests of its member countries and enhance their joint negotiating capacity in various international issues, particularly those related to development and economic cooperation.

The G77 fosters good relations between the developing world at large through economic and technical cooperation. The collective strength of the G77 and China allows them to have a greater say and impact on shaping the global development agenda and advocating for the needs and aspirations of developing nations.

The summit is the supreme decision-making body of the G77.


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