Premier African Minerals Limited is making significant strides in its Zulu Lithium and Tantalum Project , as evidenced by promising assay results from surface trenches and drill holes.
Chief executive officer Mr George Roach expressed optimism about the Southeast pegmatite, emphasizing its potential, especially considering the geological logging indicating predominant spodumene mineralisation.
Mr Roach said: “Those surface trench and drill hole results originating from the Southeast pegmatite, represent very good potential for this pegmatite that is adjacent but discrete from the main mining and pit developments underway at present.”
The strategic location of the pegmatite, adjacent yet distinct from current mining operations, bodes well for Premier’s future prospects. Mr Roach highlighted the economic viability, explaining that a 1 percent lithium ore (Li2O) grade, when exclusively spodumene, equates to an impressive 12,5 percent spodumene content in the ore body.
Crucially, Zulu’s laboratory tests consistently confirm the ability to produce SC6 at acceptable grades with a low spodumene content, potentially lowering the economic cut-off grade to 0,37 percent Li2O.
In addition to these positive geological findings, Premier has made significant progress in the installation of a new mill at Zulu.
“By way of general update, civils associated with the thickener and new mill installation are substantially complete and first materials are now at site with further loads on route,” Mr Roach added.
The new mill, expected to be positioned later this month, sets the stage for operations to restart in February. The company aims to achieve revenue-generating production by late next month.
Roach added: “Mining operations are now well developed, and we anticipate no issues associated with ore delivery to Run of Mine pad in future. Whilst mining operations are a major cash cost at present, the future benefit when operations are underway at much reduced stripping ratios will more than offset this cost in the future.”
Preliminary budget indications, though not independently verified, suggest an average mine gate cost of approximately US$800 per ton for spodumene concentrate 6 (SC6) in the initial 12 months. This estimation doesn’t account for potential revenue from technical grade spodumene sales, lepidolite, mica-rich concentrates, or future tantalum production.
SC6 spodumene concentrate 6, is a high-purity refined ore of lithium for battery manufacture.
The board remains confident in the company’s trajectory, reinforcing its belief that Premier African Minerals Limited is well-positioned for success in the lithium and tantalum market. Premier African Minerals is a multi-commodity mining and natural resource development company focused on Southern Africa with its RHA Tungsten and Zulu Lithium projects in Zimbabwe.
The company has a diverse portfolio of projects, which include tungsten, rare earth elements, lithium and tantalum in Zimbabwe and lithium and gold in Mozambique, encompassing brownfield projects with near-term production potential to grass-roots exploration.