Cholera cases on the rise

Dr Douglas Mombeshora, Minister of Health and Child Care

The cholera outbreak continue to affect the populace as 1,259 new suspected cholera cases were reported during the period 9 November, 2023 to 15 November, 2023.

Government advised the nation through the post cabinet briefing yesterday.

“Cabinet received an update on the cholera outbreak as presented by the Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Dr. Douglas Mombeshora.

During the period 9 November, 2023 to 15 November, 2023 there were 1 259 new suspected cholera cases reported compared to 437 reported the previous week”, read the statement.

A number of districts have reported first suspected cases namely Goromonzi, Mudzi, Mutasa and Mutoko.

The highest number of cholera cases during this period  were from Harare with 323 reported cases, Chitungwiza 206 cases and Buhera 68 cases.

Government has been proactive in the fight against the outbreak.

“In response to the cholera challenges, deliveries of procured medicines and commodities to Natpharm started on the 7th of November 2023 and redistribution to provinces and districts had already commenced.

Regarding water and sanitation, point of use water treatment chemicals are being distributed in the affected households”, read the statement.

A number of interventions are already underway to stem the spread of the outbreak.

Vending in undesignated areas has been prohibited.

Government has also taken over the maintenance of Harare City Council Water Bowsers since the Harare City Council is failing to provide water and sanitation facilities.

Another measure put in place is the rehabilitation of boreholes to ensure residents have access to safe and clean water.

The government has also restricted gatherings in all cholera affected areas, and health personnel have been tasked with supervision  of all burials in all cholera affected areas.

The Ministry of Health and Child Care is intensifying the monitoring process in all provinces.

In order to win the war against the cholera outbreak government has intensified risk communication and community engagement including involvement of religious and local leadership, intensified and school health education on cholera and other diseases.

Awareness campaigns are being carried out using existing media houses and digital platforms for content dissemination.

The nation is urged to remain vigilant and ensure when one falls sick they get immediate attention from qualified health personnel.

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