ZANU PF will collaborate with like-minded parties to create a new democratic world order based on equality and mutual respect with Western puppets standing no chance in the forthcoming August 23 harmonized elections, President Mnangagwa said.
Addressing a panel discussion between like-minded political parties, attended by ruling parties from Africa and Russia, the President, who is ZANU PF First Secretary and presidential candidate, said despite concerted efforts of some Western nation to cause regime change, Western puppets will be rejected in the forthcoming harmonized elections.
“Zimbabwe under the ZANU PF Government will therefore never capitulate to the machinations of our detractors. We are confident that the people of Zimbabwe have seen those advancing their development and prosperity. The puppet pseudo opposition political parties which have instigated the suffering and hardships under illegal sanctions shall once again be rejected by the masses of Zimbabwe,” he said.

President Mnangagwa (second from right) follows proceedings during a panel discussion between like-minded political parties in St Petersburg, Russia.
The panel discussion was held under the theme “International Security in Times of Geo-political Instability: Cross-Party Cooperation”.
“The convening of the 2023 Russia-Africa Summit is particularly fitting as Zimbabwe will be having Harmonized Elections on 23 August 2023. ZANU PF seeks a new mandate from the people of Zimbabwe. We are emboldened by the fact that we fought a protracted liberation war, with the support of the progressive world, in particular the then USSR and the People’s Republic of China.
“As ZANU PF we fought for the democracy, freedom and independence which were denied our people by Western colonisers for over 100 years. We therefore reject any attempt by the same people to teach us democracy and other forms of interference in our internal affairs, under whatever guise. The ZANU PF mass revolutionary party remains the only party with the interest of the Zimbabwean people at the centre of its ideology.
“Zimbabwe under the ZANU PF Government will therefore never capitulate to the machinations of our detractors. We are confident that the people of Zimbabwe have seen those advancing their development and prosperity. The puppet pseudo opposition political parties which have instigated the suffering and hardships under illegal sanctions shall once again be rejected by the masses of Zimbabwe,” said President Mnangagwa.
The President invited international observers to come and observe the August harmonized elections that have been characterized by peace and harmony.